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A Note To Our Guests About The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Like so many of you, we have spent the last several days and weeks learning about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and how it is impacting our community. The top priority at Pin Strikes Entertainment Center is the safety and wellbeing of our guests and team members. Regardless of the environment, this is our top priority every day.

We are actively monitoring the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the steps we can take to help prevent the spread of the virus. While we always strive for exceptionally high standards for cleanliness and safety, we have enhanced our already strict cleaning procedures to include the following:

  • Reminding team members to wash their hands often and properly. We are talking to them about it, posting signage in team member areas, and providing additional hand sanitizer as well.
  • Providing even more cleaning and disinfectant supplies. We are increasing the frequency of cleaning high-touch surfaces in our facilities to include bowling balls, bowling shoes, furniture, touch screens, door handles, restrooms, and video games.
  • If a team member with flu-like symptoms, they will be asked to seek medical attention and to remain at home until they are free of symptoms.
  • We are reinforcing training procedures to ensure cleaning processes are implemented properly including a new online training program developed specifically for bowling centers.

We remain committed to providing you and your family with a great guest experience and hope that these measures give you confidence that we are taking the necessary precautions in this evolving situation.

There is no issue more important to us than making sure we manage this situation as effectively as possible, so you continue to feel confident visiting us.

For additional information about COVID-19, please read the latest report from the Centers for Disease Control at
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